Family at the beach

Integria Healthcare Terms of Trade


For customer contact details and a list of our trading hours, please visit


Orders can be placed via our website or by phone, fax or email.

Once an order has been processed no changes can be made to that order, this includes adding items, removing items, changing quantities or pricing and amending the address.

Where additional items are needed after an order has been processed, a second order can be processed and is subject to all applicable freight and administration charges.


Customer orders once received will be processed, picked and packed for delivery within 24 hours. Delivery times may vary depending on the volume of customer orders received throughout the month and can also be affected by seasonal periods and public holidays. Orders for refrigerated items will not be dispatched on a Friday.

Customers wishing their parcels left at or near their delivery address without signature must our Customer Care team to update their customer file with an “Authority to Leave” approval. Integria Healthcare is not responsible for any loss, damage or theft resulting from goods being left at or near premises.

A priority delivery service is available on request, at an additional cost and to selected destinations. Any additional costs will be discussed and confirmed by our Customer Care team prior to the order being processed. Requests for priority delivery are conditional and exclude refrigerated items and dangerous goods.

Integria will not be liable for any loss suffered by the Customer arising out of any delay or failure to deliver the Products (or any part of them) or failure to deliver in the requested quantities.


All orders are to be processed before 1:30pm NSW time for same day shipment and the following delivery commitment with the exception of WA as the cut off is 12.30pm WA time.

Next Day Delivery Service:

Applies to Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, Perth and Canberra metropolitan areas only. Delivery times may vary depending on the volume of customer orders received throughout the month & can also be affected by seasonal periods and public holidays.

2 - 7 Days Delivery Service:

Transit times will vary depending on the location of the region:

  • Adelaide - 2 days
  • Darwin - 4 days
  • Northern Queensland - 4 days
  • Tasmania - 7 days
  • All other regional areas Australia Wide are 2-7 days


Orders in excess of $200 ex GST will be despatched freight free, orders under $200 ex GST will attract a freight and administration charge of $12.00 ex GST for all destinations within Australia.


Items out of stock at the time of order are detailed at the end of each order invoice; or advised at the time of order for orders placed over the phone or via

There are currently no automatic back-orders, alternatively you can request an email and pop-up notification via when products are available for order again.

Orders for returned stock are subject to all normal freight and administration charges.


Requests for credit claims must be made to Integria Healthcare Customer Care within 3 working days following delivery of goods. Credit claims can be made by phone to our Customer Care team on 1300 654 336 or email to

Return of Goods:

Goods returned without prior authorization from Integria Healthcare will not be accepted. Integria Healthcare Customer Care will provide a goods return authorisation number and paperwork which must accompany all returns to the location advised at the time of making the credit claim. Please do not send any goods to our Eight Mile Plains, QLD office.

To the extent permitted by law, Integria Healthcare will only accept goods that are:

  • In saleable condition with a goods return authorisation number attached
  • Returned to the correct Integria Healthcare location
  • Packaged securely: not damaged or soiled prior to or during the course of return
  • Not marked with store pricing or price tags

Credit claims for items being returned will be approved in accordance with the guidelines above on receipt of goods back at our Distribution Centres.

Unwanted or incorrectly ordered items:

Unfortunately, these credit claims cannot be accepted. Where Integria Healthcare agrees to accept the return of unwanted or incorrectly ordered items, the return must be in line with the guidelines stated above, with the return at the cost to the Customer.


Standard terms of trade are 30 days from date of invoice for customers who qualify for credit. At time of application for a terms account, Integria Healthcare will engage with a third party to carry out a credit check on the applicant.

Payment must be made to terms less any amount in query.


Items listed in the Integria Healthcare product catalogue that do not attract GST are indicated with a (#) next to each product description.


Price changes from suppliers may occur without notice prior to acceptance of an order. Please check invoices carefully.


Payment can be made via MyIntegria for open orders and invoices by MasterCard or Visa or by calling Accounts Receivable. Accounts with Immediate terms are required to make payment before goods are released.

Our preferred method of payment is via Bank transfer / deposit to:

Account Name: Integria Healthcare (Australia) Pty Ltd

BSB Number: 032 388

Account Number 133956

Reference: Your account number with Integria Healthcare

We do not accept AMEX or cheque payment.


Integria Healthcare reserves the right to recover any additional costs incurred in relation to the collection of any overdue debt. Integria Healthcare reserves the right to use a third party collection agency and legal representative.

Notwithstanding Integria Healthcare’s legal rights, where an amount is and remains outstanding, Integria Healthcare may do any one or more of the following for the period during which the said amount remains outstanding:

(a)   refuse to supply any Goods, including Goods that have been sold to the Customer but not yet delivered.

(b)   supply Goods only after full payment is made; and

(c)   impose any other terms on the supply of Goods that Integria Healthcare considers reasonable in all the circumstances provided notice is given to the account holder.

If an Insolvency Event occurs in relation to Customer any other event occurs which gives Integria Healthcare reasonable grounds for doubting the credit of Customer, Integria Healthcare may by notice to Customer, at its option and without prejudice to any other right it may have, suspend or terminate a contract or require payment before or on delivery of the Goods (notwithstanding the terms of payment applicable to the Goods), or cancel any undelivered or uncompleted Goods under a contract, and may retain any monies paid by Customer in relation to the contract and apply such monies against any loss or damage incurred by it in relation to the default by Customer.

Insolvency Event means circumstances in which Customer is unable to pay its debts as they fall due or otherwise takes any corporate action or any steps are taken or legal proceedings are started for: (a) its winding-up, dissolution, liquidation, or re-organisation, other than to reconstruct or amalgamate while solvent on terms approved by Integria Healthcare; (b) the appointment of a controller, receiver, administrator, official manager, trustee or similar officer of it or of any of its revenues and assets; or (c) seeks protection or is granted protection from its creditors, under any applicable legislation.


Where Integria Healthcare has supplied the Goods to the Customer but where title in the Goods has not yet passed to the Customer, the Customer acknowledges and agrees that:

  • these terms constitute a Security Agreement for the purposes of the PPSA;
  •  the Customer will grant Integria Healthcare a purchase money security interest (PMSI) under the PPSA to Integria Healthcare in respect of such Goods and their proceeds to secure all amounts owed to Integria Healthcare by the Customer;
  • Integria Healthcare may register the PMSI on the Personal Property Securities Register (“PPSR”);
  • the Customer must do all things necessary and provide Integria Healthcare on request all information Integria Healthcare requires to register a financing statement or financing change statement on the PPSR;
  • the Customer must not change its name in any form or other details on the PPSR without first notifying Integria Healthcare;
  • the Customer will, if required by Integria Healthcare, pay to Integria Healthcare the cost of registering and maintaining the registration of the Customer’s PMSI on the PPSR, within 14 days of the request;
  • Integria Healthcare need not give any notice under the PPSA (including a verification statement in respect of any financing statement or financing change statement) in respect of the PMSI created by these Terms unless the notice is required by the PPSA and cannot be excluded;
  • neither party may disclose information of the kind referred to in section 275(1) of the PPSA (except where the parties may do so and where required due to the operation of section 275(7) of the PPSA) and the Customer must not authorise the disclosure of such information;
  • the Customer appoints Integria Healthcare as its attorney to sign all documents which Integria Healthcare considers necessary to enforce and protect its rights under these Terms;
  • the Customer agrees that, to the maximum extent permitted by law, it waives any rights it may have pursuant to, and the parties contract out of, sections 95, 118, 123, 125, 129, 130, 132(1), 132(4), 135, 142 and 143 of the PPSA; and
  • unless otherwise defined in these Terms, the terms and expressions used in this clause have the meanings given to them, or by virtue of, the PPSA.


New accounts without a credit history are normally opened on a cash sale basis. Credit accounts are not automatically granted, and new accounts are required to establish a satisfactory trading history with the company beforehand. The granting of credit terms is at the sole discretion of Integria Healthcare.

Where a Customer expects to purchase less than $2,000 of goods per annum, Integria Healthcare reserves the right to require payment prior to goods being dispatched.

Integria Healthcare reserves the right to change payment terms with 30 days notice to the Customer. With consistent late payments, Integria Healthcare reserves the right to change the payment terms to Immediate with written notice.


Goods purchased in Australia may only be used or resold in Australia. Where the Customer supplies Goods to any other person in the course of trading, the Customer must not give or make any undertaking, assertion or representation in relation to the Goods without Integria Healthcare’s prior written approval. In any event, the Customer must not make any representations or advertise the Goods in any way contrary to any laws including any health and safety regulations and therapeutic goods requirements. Goods may not be distributed for export or sale outside of Australia for resale through any online marketplaces, including eBay, Amazon etc. Selling Goods offshore or on these marketplaces breaches our distribution policy and is not allowed under any circumstance. Goods cannot be modified in any way for resale or distribution. The Customer agrees not to sell Goods from any location, other than the location specified in the Account Application or any other location to which Integria Healthcare consents in writing.


Integria Healthcare distributes a range of products and technical resources classified as 'Practitioner Only'. The Therapeutic Goods Act 1989 and industry regulations determine which persons are eligible to access products and technical resources in this category.


Any provision of these Terms that excludes any terms, conditions or warranties, or limits the liability of a party will apply only to the extent permitted by law and these Terms will be construed subject to such terms, conditions, warranties and limitations.

Subject to above paragraph, where any terms, conditions or warranties are implied by law into these Terms which the law expressly provides may not be excluded, restricted or modified, or may be excluded, restricted or modified only to a limited extent, the liability of Integria Healthcare to Customer under such implied terms, conditions or warranties is limited, at the option of Integria Healthcare, to the repair or replacement of Goods, or payment of the cost of repairing or replacing the Goods.

Except as expressly provided in these Terms, to the extent permitted by law, Integria Healthcare will have no liability to Customer, however arising and under any cause of action or theory of liability, in respect of special, indirect or consequential damages, loss of profit (whether direct or indirect) or loss of business opportunity.


Force Majeure means any circumstance beyond the reasonable control of a party which results in a party being unable to observe or perform on time an obligation under these Terms.

Neither party will be liable for any delay or failure to perform its obligations under these Terms (other than payment obligations) if such delay is due to Force Majeure.

if a delay of a party to perform its obligations is caused or anticipated due to Force Majeure, the performance of that party’s obligations will be suspended.


Integria Healthcare has a published Privacy Policy which is incorporated into these Terms by reference and can be viewed at If you have an enquiry or a complaint about your privacy, please contact Integria’s Privacy Contact Officer on +64 2 9934 6683 or via e-mail at Integria Healthcare’s collection and use of your personal information may for purposes including:

 (a) to process and administer your dealings as a customer, including assessing your credit worthiness;

 (b) to provide you with the Goods and services you have requested and assisting you with further relevant information including Product related information; and

 (c) to administer the transactions contemplated by the Terms.

 Integria Healthcare will generally:

 (a) use personal Information provided to it for the purposes relating to the terms of this agreement;

 (b) use personal information collected by it in accordance with its Privacy Policy and the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) (the “Privacy Act”); and

 (c) not sell, trade, give or pass on to any third party any personal information unless such a disclosure is contemplated by and directly related to the purpose outlined by the terms of this Agreement, or the Customer consents to such a disclosure or such disclosure is required to do so by law.

Customer therefore authorises Integria Healthcare to disclose Customer’s personal information to third party contractors and service providers that assist Integria Healthcare operate its business and assist Integria Healthcare fulfil the terms of this agreement such as contractors and service providers involved in services including but not limited to the processing of orders, order fulfilment and the collection of outstanding debts.

By entering into this agreement, the Customer:

(a) acknowledges that it has read Integria Healthcare’s Privacy Policy and consents to the terms thereof; and

(b) acknowledges that Integria Healthcare is a multi site organisation and some of the activities necessary to fulfil the terms of this agreement may be conducted by Integria Healthcare entities located outside of Australia such as in New Zealand and as such the Customer consents to the overseas transfer of its Personal Information, its employees, consultants and agents provided by the Customer to Integria Healthcare.

The Customer warrants that it shall comply with the provisions of the Privacy Act and shall not (as far as practicable) knowingly do anything or permit anything to be done which might lead to a breach of any such legislation.

This document was last updated on 15 March 2021.