Customer Care Details
How can I contact Customer Care?
When can I contact Customer Care?
Registering and activating your MyIntegria account
How do I login to MyIntegria?
Who can I contact if I am unable to login to MyIntegria?
What happened to MyPatient Ordering?
I have more than one shipping address on my Integria account, how do I place orders for each address in MyIntegria?
Are there any implications on my existing Integria account by registering an account in MyIntegria?
I completed the online account application form and I did not receive the activation link to my email, what should I do?
Do I have to register an account more than once?
My shipping address has changed, how do I update this?
How do I update my business address details?
How do I login after registering a Myintegria account?
How do I register for MyIntegria?
Can I create separate login details for all my staff?
What do I do if I have locked myself out of MyIntegria?
My password isn't working, what do I do?
How can I change my password?
I am a student studying to be a healthcare practitioner, can I register for MyIntegria?
I am a student who has recently graduated, how can I upgrade to a Practitioner account?
I was a 1st/2nd year student who is now in my 3rd/4th year, how can I upgrade my account?
Placing Orders
How do I start shopping?
What is the minimum order for free freight?
Do I have to click into the shopping cart every time I want to increase the quantity on a product?
What happens if I accidentally click "back" on my internet page while I am in my shopping cart?
How do I complete a purchase?
Can I make changes to my order after I have added products to my cart?
Do I have to pay for my order straight away?
How can I use multiple coupon codes for an order?
How can I reorder a previous order?
How can I pay invoices and offset credit notes online?
How can I pay multiple invoices online?
What happens if a product I want is out of stock?
How can I be notified of when products are back in stock?
What happened to the ‘Notify me’ button for out of stock items?
What happened to the products on my ‘Notify me’ list prior to the new website?
Can I place orders on MyIntegria if I am travelling overseas?
How can I browse through products I have previously ordered?
Am I still able to phone, fax or email my orders to Integria after registering MyIntegria access?
Can I change my order after I have checked out?
What does it mean that I can track all invoices in one place?
Where did my transaction history go from before 1st July 2021?
Do you store my credit card details when I use them on the website?
Delivery Information
How can I track my delivery?
What are your order cutoff times?
What are the delivery timeframes?
Expected Delivery Timetable (working days)
What time of day can I expect the delivery?
How can I indicate an ‘authority to leave’ for my delivery?
How do chilled orders get delivered?
What are the limitations around delivery Dangerous Goods?
What is the minimum order for free freight?
Returns & Exchanges
How can I make a credit claim?
How can I return goods?
Can I return unwanted or incorrectly ordered items?
Searching for Products
What is the most effective way to search for a single product?
Is the Product Search field case sensitive?
If after searching by brand and by product, I cannot find the product I am looking for, what should I do?
Specials & Short Dated Stock
How can I review any specials or short-dated stock?
How can I order more than one short-dated stock item per order?
My Favourites
What are my favourites?
What happened to the favourites I had saved on the old site?
How do I set my favourites in the new MyIntegria?
Where can I find my favourites?
How can I place an order using 'My favourites'?
Can I change the quantity ordered in my cart?
My Order Templates
What are order templates? Where can I find these?
How do I make order templates?
How can I place an order using order templates?
Practitioner-only Products
I’m a Practitioner but I can’t add restricted products to my cart. How can I order these?
I’m a student who has recently become a qualified Practitioner, how can I access practitioner-only products?
MyPatient Ordering
Where do I login to MyPatient Ordering?
What is my username for MyPatient Ordering?
How do I find out what my ‘ship to’ number is?
Who can I contact if I am unable to login to MyPatient Ordering?
I am a student who has recently graduated, how can I upgrade to a Practitioner account to access MyPatient Ordering?
What are the "Patients that need actioning" notices on the ‘My patient notifications’ page?
Why can't I see all the practitioner-only products when I am creating a prescription for my patients?
If I have enabled my Patients to "Browse a range of retail products" via the Patient Settings page, can they access practitioner-only products?
What is the "Consult Mode On/Off" for?
Is there a Free Freight threshold for Patient orders?
What are the delivery timeframes?
What time of day can I expect the delivery?
What methods of payment are available in MyPatient Ordering
Do you store my Credit Card details when I use them on the website?